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Shelly Modul Wi-fi inteligent universal Shelly Plus Uni

89,90 RON

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Cod Produs: 3800235265710 Ai nevoie de ajutor? +40770188945
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Proiectat pentru sisteme de joasă tensiune, acest dispozitiv mic oferă automatizare avansată și monitorizare perspicace. Ideal pentru o varietate de aplicații. Shelly Plus Uni deblochează o gamă largă de posibilități inteligente pentru electrocasnicele tale.

  -   Nu este nevoie de hub! Control ușor prin aplicația Shelly Smart Control, majoritatea platformelor și protocoalelor, precum și asistenților vocali. Utilizați-l cu Alexa, Home Assistant sau cu platforma dvs. de automatizare preferată
  -  Potrivit pentru aparate mici cu aplicații de joasă tensiune AC și DC (8-24 VAC, 9-28 VDC și 5 VDC)
  -    Are doua intrari digitale si 1 analogica
  -     Suportă senzori cu 1 fir (DHT22 unic și până la 5 DS18B20)
  -    Compatibil cu majoritatea senzorilor Arduino! Utilizați intrările sale digitale sau analogice pentru a măsura parametrii doriti și pentru a crea scene complexe de automatizare pe baza datelor senzorului
  -  Primiți citiri precise de date de la contorul de energie/gaz/apă (sau orice alt contor care acceptă citiri ale numărului de puls prin intermediul senzorilor externi)
  -  Wi-Fi Range Extender și BLE Gateway
  -  Procesor extrem de rapid pentru reacție imediată - ESP32
  -  Suportă scripting, webhooks, MQTT, WebSocket, HTTPS, UDP, TLS și certificate personalizate

Designed for low-voltage systems, this small device offers advanced automation and insightful monitoring. Ideal for a variety of applications. Shelly Plus Uni unlocks a range of smart possibilities for your home appliances.

  • No hub required! Easy control through the Shelly Smart Control app, most platforms and protocols, as well as voice assistants. Use it with Alexa, Home Assistant, or your preferred automation platform
  • Suitable for small appliances with low-voltage AC and DC applications (8-24 VAC, 9-28 VDC, and 5 VDC)
  • Has two digital and 1 analog inputs
  • Supports 1-Wire sensors (single DHT22 & up to 5 DS18B20)
  • Compatible with most Arduino sensors! Use its digital or analog inputs to measure your desired parameters and create complex automation scenes based on the sensor data
  • Receive precise data readings from your energy/gas/water meter (or any other meter that supports pulse count readings via external sensors)
  • Wi-Fi Range Extender & BLE Gateway
  • Extremely fast processor for immediate reaction - ESP32
  • Supports scripting, webhooks, MQTT, WebSocket, HTTPS, UDP, TLS and custom certificates

Designed for low-voltage systems, this small device offers advanced automation and insightful monitoring. Ideal for a variety of applications. Shelly Plus Uni unlocks a range of smart possibilities for your home appliances.

  • No hub required! Easy control through the Shelly Smart Control app, most platforms and protocols, as well as voice assistants. Use it with Alexa, Home Assistant, or your preferred automation platform
  • Suitable for small appliances with low-voltage AC and DC applications (8-24 VAC, 9-28 VDC, and 5 VDC)
  • Has two digital and 1 analog inputs
  • Supports 1-Wire sensors (single DHT22 & up to 5 DS18B20)
  • Compatible with most Arduino sensors! Use its digital or analog inputs to measure your desired parameters and create complex automation scenes based on the sensor data
  • Receive precise data readings from your energy/gas/water meter (or any other meter that supports pulse count readings via external sensors)
  • Wi-Fi Range Extender & BLE Gateway
  • Extremely fast processor for immediate reaction - ESP32
  • Supports scripting, webhooks, MQTT, WebSocket, HTTPS, UDP, TLS and custom certificates

Designed for low-voltage systems, this small device offers advanced automation and insightful monitoring. Ideal for a variety of applications. Shelly Plus Uni unlocks a range of smart possibilities for your home appliances.

  • No hub required! Easy control through the Shelly Smart Control app, most platforms and protocols, as well as voice assistants. Use it with Alexa, Home Assistant, or your preferred automation platform
  • Suitable for small appliances with low-voltage AC and DC applications (8-24 VAC, 9-28 VDC, and 5 VDC)
  • Has two digital and 1 analog inputs
  • Supports 1-Wire sensors (single DHT22 & up to 5 DS18B20)
  • Compatible with most Arduino sensors! Use its digital or analog inputs to measure your desired parameters and create complex automation scenes based on the sensor data
  • Receive precise data readings from your energy/gas/water meter (or any other meter that supports pulse count readings via external sensors)
  • Wi-Fi Range Extender & BLE Gateway
  • Extremely fast processor for immediate reaction - ESP32
  • Supports scripting, webhooks, MQTT, WebSocket, HTTPS, UDP, TLS and custom certificates

possibilities for smart innovation.

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